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Welcome to and thank you for your interest in displaying the Monkees Fan For Peace webmaster's banner on your website! We don't yet have a Monkees Fans for Peace group formed, but if you'd like to be notified when/if it launches, let me know. If you haven't visited, before and you clicked into this page from another site, please have a look around before you leave. is the official home of the Monkees Mailing List and also houses the Official Monkees FAQs.

On this page, you'll find:

  • Two Monkees Fan For Peace graphics,
    • one for pages with light backgrounds
    • one for pages with dark backgrounds.
  • Some standard conditions that apply to your use of the graphics.
  • HTML code to use on your site
  • Instructions for putting them on your site.

The Graphics:
Displayed on a medium grey background
For pages with
light backgrounds:
For pages with
dark backgrounds:

These graphics are original Melhi creations. They are not in the public domain and they remain the copyrighted property of Melhi and I am granting permission for you to copy these graphics from this page and to display them on your own website, free of charge, under the following conditions:

  • You may not alter the graphics in any way
  • You may not use these graphics, or portions thereof, to create other graphics
  • You may not sell or give these graphics (in full or in part) to anyone else
  • You may not make it appear that you hold copyrights to or created the image(s)
  • You may not change the file names of the graphics
  • You must use the html code provided below to display the graphics
    • Exception: You may edit the alt text and/or the location of the image in the img src tag.
  • You may not display the graphic(s) by remote linking -- you must upload it to your own web site.
    • If you have multiple sites, you may remote link to copies stored on one of your own sites.

HTML and Instructions:
For Light Backgrounds

Right Click on the graphic with the red lettering
Save the graphic to your computer as: mfp3lite.gif
Cut and paste the following code into the html of your webpage:

<a href=""><img src="mfp3lite.gif" border=0 width=280 height=72 alt="This site hosted by a Monkees Fan For Peace"></a>

Note: If you plan to upload the graphic to a different directory than the html, you will need to adjust the src url of the graphic, accordingly.

Upload the graphic and the pages on which you'll be displaying it to your webspace, as you normally would.

For Dark Backgrounds

Right Click on the graphic with the white lettering
Save the graphic to your computer as: mfp3dark.gif
Cut and paste the following code into the html of your webpage:

<a href=""><img src="mfp3dark.gif" border=0 width=280 height=72 alt="This site hosted by a Monkees Fan For Peace"></a>

Note: If you plan to upload the graphic to a different directory than the html, you will need to adjust the src url of the graphic, accordingly.

Upload the graphic and the pages on which you'll be displaying it to your webspace, as you normally would.

Back to the Shack, Jack!
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This site hosted by a Monkees Fan For Peace

Unless otherwise noted, all graphics, text, site design, etc. other than sponsors' ads are original Melhi creations, copyright Melhi and may not be used without permission.